Focus Reentry operates on a lean budget and relies on community support. Your financial contribution will allow Focus Reentry to promote successful second chances, reduce recidivism, and enhance the well-being and safety of our community.
Different Ways to Give!
Donate Clothing-It’s not uncommon for our clients to be released from the jail with nothing more than the clothes they had on. Your unwanted clothing is greatly appreciated and used by clients for warmth, employment, exercise, and day to day living
Link Focus Reentry to your King Soopers card and the Kings Soopers Community Rewards Program donates a percentage of your purchases directly to us. Click Here to Enroll
Colorado Gives allows you to give year-round. Check out our page here!
Donate Directly
Click on the button below to make a secure online donation, of any amount to Focus Reentry using Paypal. You can make a one-time donation or become a monthly subscriber. (Note: you do not need to open a PayPal account to donate.)
To mail us a check please call or text our Executive Director, Molly at (720) 483-9981 for our secured mailbox.