Building Home Peer Support
It all started To Make a house a home
Building Home is designed to support community members in Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH). PSH provides long-term housing rental assistance and supportive services to people who are experiencing chronic homelessness. Building Home will:
reduce feelings of isolation for people who have been recently housed
build community for people who have formerly experienced chronic homelessness
mobilize resources to address negative or unhealthy behavior before it leads to eviction
There are two components to the Building Home program, Peer Support and Daytime Programming services and a Housing Retention Team. Focus Reentry operates the Peer Support and Daytime Programming component. Through this program we match peers, who are individuals with lived experience in homelessness and at least one year of stable housing with people who are new to PSH. Services are designed to assist participants in socialization, housing program navigation and life skills.
At Focus Reentry it is our belief that community is an essential part of a successful pathway to housing. Matching newly housed individuals with those who have themselves moved from homelessness into stable housing creates a network of support that is often missing during this transition. We are looking forward to filling this gap through the efforts of our trained Peer Specialist.
In addition to providing peer support we work closely with The Housing Retention Team, operated by Boulder Shelter for the Homeless, who provides a qualified team of mental health professionals who partner with the Peer Support and Daytime Programming team to address individuals’ barriers to housing retention.
The transition from chronic homelessness into housing can be a significant challenge. Through Building Home, we are supporting an essential safety net that has been shown to increase the success of newly housed community members remaining in housing.